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Here are some more tidbits about my friend/mentor Al:
In terms of his political opinions, he considers himself conservative.
The form of art that most moves him is painting.
The kind of true leaders and luminaries that the world needs more of today, Al says, is heroes.
The kind of movies he prefers is action/adventure.
If he could become someone else for a short period, he thinks it is hard to say. "There are sooo many interesting personalities in History. I think Teddy Roosevelt would be a good choice. He was a strong man, loved outdoor sports and nature and was a great politician."
If he could be anywhere in the Universe or in time, he would choose the American West, sometime in the late 19th century (1875-1895). "I love the high-plains and its history."
His interests/hobbies include shooting sports, model building, and wood working.
He enjoys his job sometimes.
If he could have any sort of job whatsoever, he would be a gunsmith. "I enjoy the shooting sports and the friends I've made in them. But more so, I enjoy making things and think that building custom firearms and making them supremely functional and handsomely engraved would be personally satisfying."
If he had a personal motto, it would be, "F*** 'em if they can't take a joke."
Most exciting thing that has happened to him this year: Getting a new car ("My 15 yr old truck died and got a 2008 Mariner. Ha.")
Most exciting two travel destinations this year: Nowhere (he says he doesn't have the time or money to travel). However, he does go up north to his cabin when he can.
Most important national and international events, according to him: National - the election. International - the Iraq war.
His hero: Gen. George Patton.
What it's like to be his nationality: "Being American means living free without government meddling, being self sufficient and beholding to no one, doing your best and being proud of the results."

The most important development that has influenced the last 100 years: the automobile.

The most important development that will influence the next 25 years: atomic energy.

If he could change one thing about the world: "Get all countries to mind their own business and stop meddling with each other. Disband the ineffective and corrupt United Nations."

- Al is a curator of history at the Milwaukee Public Museum