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Here are some more tidbits about my friend Keith:
Most exciting thing that happened to him this year: He wrote a book, which should be published in fall.
The two top destinations he traveled to this year: Phoenix, and his back yard - "who has money for vacations?"
He feels the top national event of the year was the presidential debates and their outcomes.
He feels the top international event of the year was "the ramifications of the above on a global scale."
His hero: "I am my own hero. I create my own destiny." (I like that answer!)
On being American: "Being American is, to me, quite simply to be free. Compared to other countries we take our freedoms and liberties for granted."
He feels the most significant development of the past 100 years has been air and space travel.
He feels the most significant development for the next 25 years will be "realizig the power of the energy in ourselves."
If he could change one thing about the world: "I would go back eight years and change the outcome of the last Presidential election."