Jen's cats

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Murray and Simba




I acquired Simba, an orange tabby, in Idaho. I went to a pet store in hopes of getting a bird. They didn't have any birds I liked. But then I saw, in a cage all by himself, the cutest little kitten. I had never liked cats before, but my heart melted, and I just had to take him home. (Actually, they told me it was a "she," and I named "her" Sabrina - but when I took the kitty in for the first vet exam, I was informed it was a little boy, and his name was changed to Simba.) Simba currently lives with my parents in Wisconsin. He will be 12 this August. Wow, the time has really flown by!
I hooked up with Murray, a big, beautiful Siamese, in Arizona. He was a stray who actually adopted me. He ran into the apartment with me one night when I came home, and he ran right to the refrigerator. He ate an entire pack of lunch meat, he was so hungry. I left the door open so he could leave whenever he wanted, but he settled in and watched TV with me. When bedtime came, I closed the door and let him stay. And he's been my cuddly companion ever since. He is about 6 years old. 


