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Las, left, and Jen
Las and Jen

Here is some more info about my friend Lasairan:
In terms of her political opinions, she considers herself liberal.
The form of art that most moves her is painting.
The kind of true leaders or luminaries that the world needs more of today, according to Las, is academic.
The type of movies she prefers is comedies.
If she could become someone else for a short period, she would like to be herslef but at a younger age so she could do everything over and also make better decisions this time.
If she could be anywhere in the Universe or in time, she would pick sometime in history rather than the future as she's a history buff. Maybe somewhere in Europe, no specific era.
Her interests/hobbies are graphic design and sewing (this week, may change next week).
She doesn't enjoy her job.
If she could have any sort of job whatsoever, she would be an independently wealthy business person who makes a positive impact on the world with whatever they do for a living.
If she had a personal motto, she's not sure what it would be ("still have to come up with one - stay posted").
Most exciting thing that happened to her this year: Her son graduated from college.
Top two vacation destinations this year: "Nowhere - sadly!" But she watches the Travel Channel. :-)
She feels the most important national story this year has been "the economy in a downward spiral."
She feels the most important international story this year has been the arrest and capture of Radovan Karadzic.
Her hero: "Hubby, who found my clothes in the rain!"
On being American: "The good - Having access to amazing medical treatments. The bad - Far too few Americans can afford decent health care."
She feels the most important development of the past 100 years has been advances in medical treatment.
She feels the most important development for the next 25 years is hopefully finding cures for "devastating diseases."
If she could change one thing in the world: "Health care for all humans recognized as a basic fundamental need and right."