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Here are some more details about my friends Wendy and her husband, Jim, who live in San Diego:
In terms of his political opinions, Jim considers himself liberal. I think Wendy leans on the liberal side, too.
The form of art that most moves Jim is music. I think that's also very true for Wendy.
The type of movies that Wendy prefers is comedies. For Jim, it's action or documentaries.
If she could be anyone for a short period, Wendy would probably be "Morrissey or some other very talented musician," according to Jim. Whereas Jim would choose to be "the world marathon record holder, but I could still be me. More the accomplishment that I would desire."
If he could be anywhere in the Universe or in time, Jim has no real "desire to be any other time or place. I would like the flexibility to go anywhere in the world for diving and travel at any time though."
Wendy's hobbies and interests include music/music videos, dancing, and sweepstaking. Jim's include running, scuba, watching movies, and music.
Jim enjoys his job; Wendy doesn't work outside the home.
If he could do any job whatsoever, Jim would "run my own market research consulting firm, and only work about two days a week. Reasons: make a lot of money and have plenty of time to spend it."
If he had a personal motto, Jim's would be, "That which does not kill me only makes me stronger."