Jen's answers to questions

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Recently, I posed some questions to my friends and family in the form of a survey, to learn more about them. Here are my own answers to the questions I asked them...
I would describe my political opinions as liberal.
The form of art that most moves me is writing.
The kind of true leaders or luminaries that the world needs more of today is academic.
The kinds of movies I prefer are documentaries and true crime.
If I could become someone else for a short period... that's a tough question. I think I would rather be my cat for a short period than any human. It would be nice to have a carefree existence where I was waited on, given plenty of fresh food and water without my having to do anything for it, had my litter box cleaned for me, could sleep all day and night if I wanted to, had toys to play with, etc.
If I could be anywhere in the Universe or in time, I would choose ancient Egypt. It would be neat to watch the construction of their pyramids and Sphinx, etc., and to learn more about their spirituality. (Any group of people that worships cats is fine by me! :-) )
My interests/hobbies include reading, blogging, dancing, dining out, shopping, sunbathing, latch-hooking, and watching sports (especially NFL football... go Packers!).
I enjoy my jobs.
If I could have any sort of job whatsoever, it would be as a professional researcher, particularly in the historical field. I would love to be assigned projects by other people and have to go conduct the research for them. Like, if I could do students' term papers for them. :-)
If I had a personal motto, it would be, "Everything happens for a reason." Even if it doesn't seem clear at the time, I think we learn lessons from our mistakes and bad luck, and our good fortune is more than just chance. Like my cat coming to live with me - he was a stray who just decided to move in with me one night and never left. I truly think fate brought us together.
Most exciting thing that happened to me this year: Selling my house and moving to an apartment.
Top two vacation destinations this year: I only went to one place, Milwaukee, WI, where I visited with family and friends, and saw the cat who used to be mine and now lives with my folks.
Most important national event of the year: The presidential election.
Most important international event of the year: The Iraq war.
My hero/heroine: Kay Redfield Jamison, author.
Being American means, to me, enjoying many material comforts and having freedom of movement and self-expression.
I believe the most important development of the last 100 years has been the automobile.
I believe the most important development for the next 25 years is computer technology.
If I could change one thing in the world, I would stop the U.S. from interfering in other countries' problems, which leads to a lot of death and destruction both for our own soldiers and the people of other nations.