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Here are more details about my friend Andy, who lives in New Mexico:
In terms of his political opinions, he considers himself liberal.
The form of art that most moves him is music.
The kind of true leaders or luminaries that the world needs more of today, according to Andy, is heroines.
The kind of movies he prefers is documentaries.
If he could become someone else for a short period, he would be William Faulkner. "I want to know how he constructs what occurs in Jefferson and what experiences he's had that are lost to history."
If he could be anywhere in the Universe or in time, it's a tie: "I would travel back to 1976 to watch the premiere of Einstein on the Beach in person. Alternatively, I would watch the premiere of Sacre du Pretemps, deeper in the past. I know how I felt when I first heard these works, and I want to see that amplified on a thousand faces."
His hobbies and interests include "humanity."
He enjoys his job sometimes.
If he could do any job whatsoever, "I'd be a cabinet maker in the 1920s. Then I could truly use my skills."
If he had a personal motto, it would be, "Excelsior."