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Mom, Dad, and me
This was a long time ago, when I had REALLY short hair! It's grown out a LOT since then.

Here is some information about my mom (my dad doesn't do e-mail/Internet):
In terms of her political opinions, she considers herself conservative.
The form of art that most moves her is writing.
The kind of true leaders or luminaries that the world needs more of today, she says, is acdemic.
The kind of movies she prefers is true crime.
When asked who she would be if she could be someone else for a short period, she didn't answer.
She also didn't answer when asked where she would go if she could choose any place in the Universe and any time period.
Her interests/hobbies include reading.
She doesn't enjoy her job... Don't know if that means what she used to do before retiring, or if it means actually being retired.
If she could have any sort of job whatsoever, she would do "any type of research. I like challenges. Also like to find ways of making a better life for future generations."
If she had a personal motto, it would be, "Do your best to make life better for others."
Most exciting thing that happened to her in the past year: "Nothing." She says this hasn't been a very good year for her.
Most interesting two vacation destinations this year: Hasn't gone anywhere.
What she considers the biggest national event of the year: The election process.
Her hero: Tony Snow, because of his courageous battle against cancer and the way he put his family first.
What it means to be her nationality: "I am grateful to be an American because my children were able to get a good education and are living a good life."
What she considers the most important development of the last 100 years: space travel.
What she considers the most important development for the next 25 years: solving the oil crisis and environmental problems.
If she could change one thing about the world: she would not have sent the troops to Iraq.
- Mom is retired and lives in Milwaukee, WI